general info

gallery address:

Veembroederhof 35
1019 HD Amsterdam

tel. +31-6-21281428
kuno gonschior

show work

show exhibitions

ID P0277f A00-GO
for over forty years, kuno gonschior has been concentrating on painting in a fierce and basic way. starting with intuitive, almost monochrome strokes of the brush in the fifties, followed by a hardedge way of placing dots in fluorescent colours next to each-other in the sixties, causing optical effects, he focussed on a subtle interaction of colours in the later years.

like in the informal movement, his paintings lack composition, yet they are vibrant with visual rhythm and the dynamics of each touch of paint. however abstract, the effect is stunning, since gonschior's paintings often give rise to associations with his predecessors, e.g. monet's garden paintings, or van gogh's cornfields.

gonschior died in bochum, germany, march 2010

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