general info

gallery address:

Veembroederhof 35
1019 HD Amsterdam

tel. +31-6-21281428

show work

show exhibitions

ID P02f34 A00-UA
Marina Abramovic and Ulay (Frank Uwe Laysiepen) started collaborating as artists and living together in 1976. Their separation was marked by the famous Great Wall Walk performance in China, in 1988. Over and over again, they have made themselves the topic of their performances and actions entitled Relation Work, exploring the limits of physical and psychic endurance and specific gender roles. In 1975, Abramovic and Ulay defined the aspects of this project as follows: "Art Vital - no fixed living-place, permanent movement, direct contact, local relation, self-selection, passing limitations, taking risks, mobile energy, no rehearsal, no predicted end, no repetition." They blurred the line between art and life, especially considering how often real danger becomes part of their artistic concept.

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