general info

gallery address:

Veembroederhof 35
1019 HD Amsterdam

tel. +31-6-21281428
jonmarc edwards

show work

show exhibitions

ID P016f8 A00-ED
as a child jme moved frequently, traveling from rural to urban settings, never establishing deep roots in any one place or school. to alleviate the monotony of these moves, he and his sister would invent and play 'highway games'. the games were built around the road signs, mileage markers and billboards communicating, demarcating and, some would say, commercially exploiting the natural landscape. the abecedarian games of childhood, in retrospect, were a tutorial for the myriad ways in which meaning is conveyed through text and symbols. jme's fascination with visual language no doubt stems from these early experiences and has become central to his work as an artist.
edwards lives and works in los angeles, u.s.a.

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